Sunday, July 3, 2016


I am just a dreamer not a weaver.
The clouds are blue my dreams are pink..
I need the ink to write down the link..

No no no i don't want to wake up to see the light.
For the night is my zone which awakes my every bone.
I am just a dreamer and no longer a loner.
Don't wake me up, the lights too bright. The stranger will disappear and then reality will appear.

I just want to see where the beginning has to end..
I know i see it in the world of dream is what i get.
I smile again and the laughter is back -
hey stranger from my dream, u bring it back all again.

Hey stranger on the run, I can see you come.
So near yet so far i wonder if your here.
Would you just be a dream or the light of the hour.
I wonder as i dream under the red blanket of the bed.

Yeh its so true - don't wake me up - let me dream.. As I am just a dreamer and no longer a loner.

Catch me if you can

You saw me, I saw you
What's it with you..

The look to book
Is it the fight my knight.

Why confuse me with the feeling of desire,
Perspire by the dealing of fire.
Why is it so different?

I need to run.. Catch me catch me if you can.

Should i look else where and not in your eyes.
This feeling of strangeness, is not fair.
The head feels full and the heart says it all.
But then the world just disappears. Don't see me now don't see me forever.

I need to walk,I need to run.. Catch me catch me if you can.
The reeling of the head the moist forehead.
Whats that all about. Is it the heat that is catering to this heart beat..
Just walk around, before you see me pass..
I don't need this feeling so strange which has made me to to change.

I need to run..
Catch me! catch me if you can.
Need to run.. Catch me catch me if you can.


Fun and memories,

Its what's an adventure
Moments to remember

Which may be September
Travelling with pals and family member

Places to venture
Far east, Middle East, Europe, America are places to ponder,
Present are the days to gaze with a blaze
Youth was not far, times to remember.

Hot summer holidays
Simple, funny, dreaming summer teens were the days where ice cream,
Future is where there is a whoper
Going to the Moon or Mars would be super!
Holidays is all that i wonder

Thats where I want to wander..

Carrom games was the craze
MTV was the ways

Sips of beer was the craze


I saw you once and I see you again.
Is it a beginning or is it an end.

Each time I, walk past you, this feeling is so new.

I guess it’s my imagination,
I see you again, with that smile.

Want to peer into your thought lane,
I am sure it's as wild as a line of cocaine.
But it feels so powerful and so true.
The walk, the talk, the smile so different, almost insane.
I want to ask- Stranger is this the beginning or the end?

There you are standing by the stairs.
And I see you again just looking around
Your looks appear so calm,

The following of your eyes,
My head just begs to ask ‘Hey stranger is this a beginning or is this the end?’


I met this little girl
Chubby cheeks, curly hair
Eyes twinkling, so very cute.
She held my finger and we walked and talked

Did a little skip, with a dip when we went on a trip.

Each day went past, with different colours in our lives..

Small hearts grew big and so did our skips and talks..

The twinkle in her eyes was always the same as were her curls.
Caught her once loved her twice as she was just plain nice.

Breeanna that is you.
The spice of my life
The apple of my eye,
You will forever be the love of my life.

The gulf known to engulf- An Incredible tribute

The gulf known to engulf
Land of opportunities, land of dreams
Land of friends, land of betrayals
Land where we make friends for keeps
Memories to cherish, memories to dream.

The gulf known to engulf
You meet some,you greet some.
Some are meant to be,
Some stay as an opportunity
Some stay as acquaintances
Some stay as secrets
That’s the gulf known to engulf

But you my friends are the tightest knot
No pull, no cuts, no breaks, no bites will ever create a fight.

Life is to cherish life is to dream and togetherness,
Is the preference with no difference.
So my dear friends, you’re for keeps, 

Till we leap to the deep
Until we beep
Gulf to engulf cheers to our fears